Sunday, May 24, 2009

7 Hills Course

Mark and I tagged with a great rider, Trish, on Friday and did the 7 Hills Course. As I noted in my previous blog, this is a great, very hilly (think the name gives that away??) course that has been used for various races, etc. The weather was great without the huge winds we have been having. Glad I put on sunscreen!!

Ended at 51.4 miles total with average mph 15.4 - which was thrilling for me since I was really dragging me, myself and my bike up those hills. Thank goodness they do pay back with great downhills!! Highest speed was only 42.7, but that was the fastest for this season so far.

Then I attempted to map it correctly using "line drag" on Goggle Map so you could view the route. I also clicked on "mileage" which should correctly calculate the entire course. Wasn't that a challenge and would I rather pull my teeth out without anesthesia?!?!
I certainly am doing something wrong, as "dragging" the line down Ash, for instance, automatically also "lined" on the corresponding Maple Street. No, we didn't go down then back up that whole portion of the route. And I couldn't get "erase" to work. Gonna' have to invest some time in this tool. Hm.m...m....

So, great ride. No, it wasn't the 76+ whatever miles that Goggle map said it was.

If anyone reading this knows the correct tricks to successfully use the map drawing technique, let me know.

Tomorrow ... we'll ride out to Cheney and finish with the Troika course. I LOVE that course!! Really Really Really fast middle section (if the wind is kind). Lots of sunscreen to be used.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Permission for Take Off Granted!!

After nervously chewing my nails down and coming up with a large variety of "Plan B's", Mark and I met with my physician Tuesday morning for "Thee final opinion": if I may/may not embark on this adventure. See, I've been struggling with worsening symptoms over the past 9-10 months that begin in my deep left gluteal muscle with pain that then moves as numbness and tingling into the full left leg. The last clincher is the buckling of the knee when I stand on it. Riding, however, in a curled up position, is without symptoms. So, after various treatments, physician consultations, studies, discussions, etc., it was decided "Thee final decision" was to be left up to his expertise if such a ride would result in permanent damage or not.
HOORAY!! Thank you Bill!! He gave us the go ahead, as long as I listen to my body and, when necessary, cut back on the distance I am riding day by day. Those that know me are probably shaking their heads with that advice. However, remember Mark will be there every day monitoring the whole situation. Which means, the slightest little limp or grunt or one-extra-sigh, he will probably stand between me and the bike.
However..... if I play this right ..... do you think the guys would be suspicious when my symptoms flare terribly only during windy and rainy days? Then I would have to be the one in the van and they would have to be riding. Then on nice days .... H......m.m.m....
Mark's input on this whole situation, (you must remember out of the 3 of us, he is the non-medical person), was if I have no symptoms while riding, then I should just ride the whole way without stopping. Makes sense in a simplistic sort of way. He'll hand me fluid and nutrition bottles out of the van window, and even throw a bar to chew on my way every so often. Again, think RAAM (for those of you who have read the earlier blogs).

My next preparation for this trip: I have now joined the 21st century and have become a "techie". Yup. Who would have thought?? I have purchased my first cell phone. Actually even bought a fancy camouflaged case to strap it on to ... I don't wear a belt ... really don't carry a purse much .... well ... I'll find something to strap it on to. Oh yeah, my bike!! Cool!! Now I just have to figure out how to answer it, how to call without accidentally bumping the Inter Net button and wasting minutes, and how to set it on vibrate rather than the loud annoying ring it currently has. I do have 3.5 weeks left, so all of those goals should be accomplished.

Updated my traveling Med Bag, bought new riding socks, and had my haired permed to maximize my efficiency in the mornings and evenings surrounding a day's ride. Yup, all coming together!

Tomorrow we're riding the 7 Hills Course. That was the course used for the Olympic Trials, and then again for various other competitive riding events. Certainly makes one more respectful of repetitive mountain climbing. However, does have great down hills in return. Let's see just how fast we can go!!

Let's hope for no wind!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We're Picking Up Speed!!

4 weeks from today we leave and we are really starting to pick up speed preparing for this project!!

Ken joined about 400 other crazy cyclists riding in the "spring" of western Montana May 9&10. The morning weather was 34 degrees F, and it moved up to a balmy 44 degrees on Saturday. A mix of sleet/snow/rain greeted several as they reached the top of one of the many peaks and passes. Bet that was fun careening down on 2 inch wide tires, sliding on elements that shouldn't be associated with any sense of bicycle stability. He rode 100 miles on Saturday and another 40 on Sunday. Monday he reported he "really had fun" (had to be the high altitude-low oxygen combination). So we are again sighing in relief that we CAN do this ... day after day after day.
Although I am the eternal optimist, I recognize that usually the honeymoon phase of any endeavor will become a bit thin and less enjoyable about days 5,6,&7. Quote me one this. Just wait and see....

Kudo's to Ken for packing on the bicycle miles. Remember, we are each hoping to reach 1000 miles prior to the start of our trip. I just tipped over 600; Mark has 800 and I have no idea what Ken has. I'll have to peek the next time I am near thee vehicle.

Then the two boys went out "van shopping". I am always impressed what avenues we travel to learn incredible knowledge involving great detail and comparison that will probably never again be applicable to any other part of our lives. This is one of those learning opportunities. We have been perusing the Internet for the past many months seeking "deals" or "great rental opportunities". Now reality sets in.
Did any of you know most vehicle rental companies do not allow you to take the vehicle "out of their range"? That means, if you rent the vehicle in Spokane, as we are planning, then you can only drive within an "x" mile radius of that pick-up site. Which means, you cannot legally drive it from OR through N.Jersey, and then back again. Or, when you find a vehicle that you CAN do that with, then they charge "per mile". That is certainly something we do not want to do as we want freedom of traveling without keeping track of miles and where we are/going, and all that silliness.
So that narrowed the search promptly to Avis. **Next problem**: They had 3 mini-vans that were acceptable to our requirements. They can't guarantee which, tho they can guarantee they'll provide one of them for the 6 weeks. could that possibly be a problem? After all, we are flexible (Ken and & I, remember, work Urgent Care). Welll.llll.l.l.l..... We need to attach the bikes on the outside of the van in order to keep us and the luggage and equipment clean and dry and (ha-ha-hahaha) organized. Of course, not all 3 mini-vans can be fitted with the same attached bike rack. Of course. What could I have possibly been thinking???
That took the two of them to REI, where they carry the 2 rack types we might possibly need. So all was well again. Until they came back to "Ms Pessimistic". So, I queried, what if you go out to rent "thee van", take it in to REI to buy "thee rack", and they happen to be out of stock? I do realize "they can order it in for free shipping", however, (call me a realist) that can take "5-7 business days". We have just burned the first week of the only 4 weeks that we have to complete this venture. At this rate, we may start competing with the RAAM folks (for those of you not familiar - Google it. Your findings will make us look real sane).
Now Ken is thinking about buying an SUV instead. He and his wife had discussed doing so in the autumn, but that choice might be pushed forward a few months. The three of us had also planned on spending, roughly, $1000.00 each for the rental of the van. So, now we are negotiating which portion of this long term purchase who would buy or pay back what to who. That makes sense, doesn't it?

And life continues, whether we want it to or not, and most of it totally unplanned.

Mark and I have a house, put it for sale on the market, took it off, put it back on with a different Realtor, found a buyer and signed a commitment for sale - all withing 10 days. Who would have thought. We will now move forward - BEFORE LEAVING HERE - with renting a storage unit, moving the remaining (many) items of "stuff that I just can't possibly let go of" into the unit while still accomplishing the other variables and requirements of "life". You know, jobs, groceries, putting in riding time to meet the requirement of 1000 miles by start of the trip, blogging, B-days, Mom and Dad's day, etc, etc, etc.

Yup, I really am thankful for every day "I have to work". I could be like those many thousands who are unemployed. And yes, I an really grateful for "I am sooooooo busy today - there is sooooo much to do!!!". Again, I could be sitting in a chair gazing out wondering if I would ever walk again. Yup, it is all good ... with only 4 weeks to go.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

leap of faith

after spending numerous hours seeking maps, how to create, how to link, how to change terrain, how to how to how to, I do believe I did so.

Let's see if this link will hook you to a map. This is my first rough draft. If it works, then my "perfect world" would be every night when we complete our ride, I'll map it out and you can then link to it for your view of our world. Sound good.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thee History & Plan

It's been well over a week since I started this site, so I had better start things on an informative note. Here is the the history of what is going on with us:
Mark and I have been married for 22+ years. Ken is a Nurse Practitioner, as I am, and works with me in an Urgent Care in Spokane, WA.
In 1984 Mark and his brother bicycled across America carrying all their gear, sharing a bowl to eat out of, sleeping out wherever they landed. Quite the stories evolved from that adventure. Remarkably, Mark has wanted to do repeat the venture ever since.
Then life and time occurred........
Last autumn while chatting during the completion of a bottle of wine, Mark and I decided we would finally accomplish that trip. We both agreed, however, carrying all our gear, sleeping outside no matter what the weather was or where we were, just wasn't the flavour we wanted to experience this time. Plans evolved and solidified into having 3 people riding across America. While 2 ride their bicycles, the 3rd would be navigating a SAG van for support and to carry all gear. We will stay in motels, enjoy hot showers, sleep in comfort!! Yes!!
Mark and I could only wrest 30 days off from our employers, so that is what we will go with. Ken was able to take a 2 month sabbatical splitting the second month before and after our leave. Lots of planning has gone on and is accelerating as we count down...5 1/2 weeks left.
We've planned to get 1000 miles each cycled by the time we leave 6/16/09: Mark has 550, I have 450, and Ken is going to MT to add another 160 miles this weekend. So that goal should be achievable, which is remarkable since we've had the winter/spring weather from the direct opposite of hell. Give me warm weather!! I struggled curled over my drops today to hang on to the road without being blown off in the 30mph winds today wearing full leg/arm clothing. Yes, I was thankful it wasn't pouring rain. There's got to be a better "middle".
My "job" is to do this blog thing. Bit slow so far, but I am moving forward with it. Ken will be doing the Google Earth thing with our daily maps. I haven't figured how to link that yet, but I will. We've generated a huge amount of interest from our co-workers, other athletes, bunches of friends and many extended family members; so this seems to be the best way to keep in contact with all.
Tonight I added Ken's pic so you can see the three of us!!
Just got in our $600.00 Hammer Nutrition order (can't imagine long hours of cycling without it!!) I decided I've figured out how to get them to sponsor me and provide all supplements to me for free : if they don't sponsor me, then I'll wear their gear in future races (triathlons). Since I'm pretty darn slow, I suspect they would be too embarrassed to have me finishing near the end, so they should be delighted to supply me with products just to not wear their name!! One more thing to work on this next week....
Ken & Mark will shop next week for a rental van. We'll drive from Spokane to Florence, OR. That is where the ride will start. It'll end on the Jersey coast. At that point, Mark and I will fly back in order to be back to work on time. Ken's wife will fly out to meet us on the east coast, then she'll drive back the distance with Ken to Spokane. The two of them can sight-see, since we certainly won't be doing that in great detail on our way out. Too many miles to cover in 30 days.
I'm making lists of list; shopping for all sorts of stuff; learning how to take a pic, hook to a computer, download without losing it in the vast space of where ever it is stuff goes after you send it to your computer, file it for future memories, and put the really good ones on this site for your perusal.
Mark and Ken are working on the route, which is very flexible and will change depending on road construction, wind, traffic, wind, wind, and then, wind. Call us wimps.
OK ... that's enough for today. Sincerely, my "best laid plans of mice and men" really is planning on blogging more frequently. By the time we leave, it'll be daily entries.
So there's the history & plan!!!