Monday, July 6, 2009


So there we were, riding along, and off to our left were about 50+ "dog carriers" in the middle of Just-No-Where. But look closer, there were no dogs ... chained to them were calves. Why and Whatever for?? I immediately said, "This is Veal".

Alas ... after Googling this, I do believe that is what this is. We went past it the next day (today), and took the pictures. I do believe, this is indeed, the raising of veal. If you don't know what veal is, or what this terrible acreage is, then Google it yourself.

Basically, it is the slaughter of 'baby cows' for their tender meat. The best way to keep the meat tender, is to take them from their mamma's, keep them chained in a very short area so their muscles don't develop, feed them only 2X daily with a high fat liquid meal, then slaughter them between 18-24 weeks of age.

So sad. And right next to the Highway 24 of Indiana. All of them were leashed to their individual "homes". One, much like leashing a dog, had caught his lower leg in the leash and could only balance on the other three legs, and cry. Too far away over fields and wire fences for me to release him. So very very sad. No wonder there is a PETA ban, and warnings to the public, about purchasing and eating veal.

What a downer for the day!!
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1 comment:

  1. Back in town - read it all. Whoa! Poor babies to say nothing of the chronic stress and all the drugs they must be under.
