If you've ever been to South Dakota, they have the most amazing summer storms. I absolutely LOVE them (as long as I am safe, and warm, and dry inside). The most intense lightening you have probably seen, with bolts that go horizontally, and yes, bolts that go upward....not just downward.
The rain I pointed out was going horizontal. Yes, I was really fatigued.....no, I wasn't hallucinating. In today's paper the wind during that storm reached 83pmh and dumped 0.9 inches in 90 minutes.
We arrived at my uncle and aunts safely and had a great evening: real food, played with our computers and Google Earth maps with them, then into a real bed with probably the most luxurious sheets I have ever slept on. Awoke at our usual 0530; rolled over and went back to sleep. Sigh.
Today Ken and I each had a massage, then all 3 of us vacuumed out the van - wasn't that a mess; then cleaned and oiled our bikes!! Amazing how dirty they get hanging on the back of the van during a rainstorm like that.
Mark and Ken tentatively mapped out our routes for the remainder of the trip. We are hoping for another day off in 1 week. No idea what we'll run into over the Fourth of July....we'll see. We still are shooting for arriving @ Atlantic City around 7/14-15th so we can spend one or two days with our youngest daughter who lives in NYCity.
Here are a few more pics. To prove I do ride, and to give you a "view from here", the top is me on my bike. Then Mark caught a pic of me right after exchanging water bottles with Ken as he rode by. Several miles later, Mark is waiting along the road to again give Ken fresh water. The bottom pic is when I yelled to Ken, "Stop. I mean it, Stop!!! Now look over your left shoulder!!" He was so focused on climbing the hill, he almost missed what was at the top. Then the cops came by and told us to move on!!
We are on our way out to dinner at a fancy restaurant to celebrate Zona's 80th birthday!! Tomorrow we head toward WhiteRiver, S. Dak along Highway 44.
Catch up with you then!!
u should hurry up n ride faster, more days in nyc!!!