Yes, the three of us really now do have rhythm!! Which is desperately needed when traveling so many miles, with 3 distinct personalities, with a great amount of equipment. Factor in the daily "unknown" ... where are we going? how far? who's going first? Sprinkle with fatigue plus all-of-those-other-physical factors, and you really need patience with a great amount of rhythm.
We've finally settled into a daily "routine" in order to move us forward. The guys start packing up the van (I, of all people, cannot stand the fact the "guys" carry the heavy stuff. I believe if I'm gonna "ride with the guys, then I pull my weight with the guys". However, I am [and I suspect my body parts are] very thankful they really do most of the heavy lifting and twisting); I gather the food and ice; I add ice and water to our numerous bottles and containers. We head to breakfast. The first rider takes off. If we didn't last night, then now we get gas. (My neurosis ... I DO NOT want to run out of gas in the middle of I-have-no-idea-where-the-nearest-gas-station-is-and-how-the-hell-do-we-get-there???) By the end of the rides, we find the motel we rented last night. We start the unloading: the bikes get carried in, as does all the other equipment, luggage, coolers, food, etc. I wash and clean all the bottles and empty containers. The unpacking starts. We quickly rotate through showers and individual laundry of our daily bike gear. We figure out where "the drying" area is and hang everything that is wet up for tomorrow's use.
Then off for dinner.
Returning to the room means we do the "technie" thing: Mark and Ken discuss and plan tomorrow's route - which requires a fair amount of time. That includes weather info, wind direction and estimated gusts there-of. Once the end-point is established and divided by 3, then Ken utilizes Skype to call and speak to the motel through his computer for our reservation. How cool is that?!?!?! The last several nights our cell phones didn't work as we were in the "No Zone". Very Very Cool!! I've got to learn that one.
I'm on my computer downloading the pics taken that day, catching up on Mark's and my e-mail. I am responsible for the finances (that is a scary thought!!) so I put who-paid-what into the computer, then file the receipts into my travel file system. Finally, I'm catching you up through blogging. Ken, meanwhile, catches up via Skype or phone with his wife; and through e-mail to his kids.
Mark, meanwhile, is our totally I-really-don't-want-want-any-techie-info-or-responsibility-at-all guy. So, he deals with the TV. Usually that means the channel that continually runs old MASH shows, or tonight, is the old StarTrek stuff. Yes, the world could collapse, and as long as it isn't along our bike route, we really wouldn't have a flippin' clue. So please, as you go down, add us to your automated e-mail list so we might get-a-clue.
This is all a very different computerized vacation than I've ever done. It has become a focus for Ken and me as to "how many plug in's" there are in each room, and which Internet Connection can we find.
A nightcap, then we are in bed collapsed. Next morning, it all starts again. Sounds pretty routine, but this is all pretty necessary to keep us moving forward in a sane manner.
The pics posted are the three of us after our birthday celebration dinner with my Aunt. No, Mark usually doesn't scowl ... just not a "best shot" of him; however, was the only shot, so it gets posted. This is to prove, after nearly two weeks of bike gear and no make-up, we can again "spit-shine fine".
Today we rode on Highway 44 East from White River to Freeman, S. Dakota.
Then, finally, a pic of me on the road today (just to prove I really do ride my equitable amount) as we continued to wind through South Dakota. Amazing ... this is our fourth state, however, our third time zone. Yup, the states out here really are very big in size. The "western culture" here takes me back to how I was raised. It still is legal to smoke cigs in restaurants ... isn't that an experience again!! The vastness of the lands are so dependent on the whimsy of nature; this still strikes me to the core. At times it just doesn't matter how hard one works, or if all is done right or wrong; if nature so desires all is for naught. As we start to ride through acres of corn (nothing like what we are due to see soon), there must have been a very late spring and/or really heavy rain storms in this area. Many fields were just fine. Others are still flooded with the corn only 2-3 feet high, bent over and dying; single stalks feet away from the other when you know they were planted closely like all the other fields. And these injured fields go on for acres. Heart breaking.
Ken, as I stated in previous blogs, finds this whole "country" quite entertaining and very very new to him. Today, while riding, he was so impressed with the Auction Stables he rode by. Couldn't see much, except for the massive stables set on huge acreage. He could, however, hear the melodious auctioneer doing his job with precision and clarity. Auctioneers have always been impressive to me, so it was fun to again, see what I've previously known, new "through his eyes".
Mark and Ken were dually impressed with the thickness of presentation of structured religion throughout this entire region. Remember, this is a "Red State". Everywhere are churches, religious schools (very new and large despite being in the middle of no where), billboards, signage along the roads, large newspaper ads, etc. While checking into our public motel tonight, there were many hand-outs and flyer's all over the front desk, selling their form of redemption. Really very different from our Washingtonian culture. Mark asks, "Why does God need a bill-board??" I have no answer for him.
The funny portion of my ride: in the middle of absolute nowhere I am climbing this rolling hill. There are blue spruces here and there in no particular pattern. All alone on the left side of the hill is a single spruce ... fully decorated for the holidays. I swear to you I really can't make this stuff up!!!! Silver sparkle garland ropes, ornaments ... right there ... in the middle of no where.
Made me smile.
What great pics!! I'm glad that everyone is good and having fun....well what you guys call fun! Love you both lots!! Nice job on the blog mom, I am very impressed!!!
ReplyDeleteLove Isis-Joy