Monday we hooked the bikes up to the van and, wisely, went out for several "test drives". Thank the heavens above and below we did that!! The first, and then the next several bumps we hit would partially drop down a bike, or the top straps would come unhooked, etc etc. Much ado about really important items!! After lots of adjusting and tightening, nearly 3 hours of time, and moving forward, bikes were secured. Note the pic of Ken and Mark adjusting, changing and making things all correct. (For those of you who don't know this "Blog" stuff, if you place the pointer over the pic and click, it suddently becomes large enough you can see it!!!)
As we loaded the bikes, I checked my odometer. I did it!! 1,029.3 miles, just on Ruby!!
Then we packed 90% of our stuff. Sure am glad I'm not hauling all that on my bike!! I'd develop the strength of SuperWoman just pedaling out of the driveway. No idea how I would manage a turn or sharp curve. Again, this is a full months worth of necessary items.
After working my last shift @ work last evening, Mark and I sat making last minute plans and speculations while drinking our last bottle of my favorite wine: Muscat Carnelli - tragically, no longer made by Arbor Crest. One of the many musings I asked Mark, was "What if we don't make the coast by the 30 days?". Mark, in his wisdom, replied, "It wouldn't matter. All that is important, is that we really tried." My reply was, that if Donald Trump or Bill Gates heard that, he would be automactially be "You're Fired", as that is not the spirit of a true successful entrapeuner. To which Mark replied, "Cindy, anyone who hires jets and limosines to get around, has no idea what riding a bicycle this far is about". Hmm.m.m....
One of Mark's jobs was to choose the music: CD's the three of us would listen to in the van over the next month. What a mistake that was to assign it to him!! How much Jethro Tull, Warren Zebbon, and Beatles can you listen to?!?! So admist our cajoling and bartering, and finally "Yes, we really are taking more than these", more were taken. I added more of a balance including classical (my first life love & college scholarship), Celtic and western. Poor Ken, he didn't bring a single CD, however, he does have an I-Pod to save him.!
Today as we drove the 9 hours to Florence, OR, the three of us primarily focused on who, what, how, when and in what order do we mesh together in this van. Quite the organization. I was raised knowing that "comfort" during a long trip meant you could have "air" (roll down your window) without the other car occupants screaming at you as it was "too much for them". The epitome of a "good trip", was Mom never "pulled over this car to make you both be quiet". Yup, that was a really good trip!!
Well, haven't vehicles come a ways since then.... We have a Chrysler Mini-Van that is most amazing. It has buttons and switches and items I am just too afraid to even touch. I was able to drive the thing, my own air flow to manage my internal thermoregulation that has, for the last few years, been taken over and totally controlled by Sybil, without the guys even noticing my on/off/high/low air changes. They each have their own controls, that really do work!! Who would have thunk??
Tonight we are reorganizing our recent organization of the organized items we had just organized. Back to that "30 days of stuff" that is all together. In one really small van. With three adult bodies also in it. This stuff simply needs to be in smaller factions.
During/after dinner we reviewed maps and routes, discussed who will ride when and who will drive. tomorrow. Now, from our hotel, just where is the ocean?? We HAVE to start there with the traditional "bike tire in the ocean and corresponding picture for memories sake"....
We'll send it on to you tomorrow.
good luck and gods speed
ReplyDeleteYou must write a book on this reMARKable
ReplyDeleteexperience as you have a way with words.
I'm still laughing. We will be at Arbor
Crest July 3rd for our son's concert. I
will ask them to bring back the wine.
Thoughts and prayers for you. Patty