Monday, June 22, 2009

The Colours!!!

Here is the warmth and the colours. The green is different from the sultry green of the coast. This is the rolling farming fields that bring me back to Ireland, green, warmth. The bright blues and whites really are different here. As is the night-time sky. No, Spokane does not have stars. Here exists the vast above that shimmers and twinkles; that you reach your arm above and touch.

The wind really does talk to you here as it weaves amongst the trees. Trust me ... very different from "wind" of the city, or the other states. The birds chirp and fly by really is closer here. The earth wraps around and holds you. Even as you travel. Even as you defy the gravity and sun and wind.

It really is very different here. You can take in a deep breath.

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  1. The kiss of the sun for pardon,
    The song of the birds for mirth.
    Three are nearer their hearts in the Tetons
    than anywhere else on earth.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures
    and stories. Patty

  2. It sure looks like a wonderful and beautiful once-in-a-life experience Cindy, Mark, and Ken...but just reading it makes me tired ;)
    I hope you are all taking time to "Not worry, not hurry, and don't forget to smell the flowers along the way."
    - Grantland Rice

    See you when you get back to Spokane?

    Bill Misner
