Saturday, June 20, 2009

No Better Than This

Quick Really Special Gets No Better Than This Experiences thought I would share with you:

**Ken's son Tom drove up to have breakfast with us 2 days ago while we were at Sisters. How sweet was that. He & family were on vacation about 80 miles away. He rose with the sun, drove up to Sisters, had breakfast, met the two idiots who convinced his sane Dad into this scheme, and then returned. Very Cool!!

**Riding in the incredible sultry Can-It-Get-Any-Deeper-Green Forest, I looked down below the shoulder I was on. There a large pair of Doe Eyes (literally) locked on mine, and followed me as I quietly rode by. Her baby deer (yes, I know it is called a fawn) was nursing. No better than that.

**Ken was cruising along, no cars around him. A hawk pulled up at his head level, about 20 yards to his right. Flew along with him a couple of 100 yards, then flew off. Got to be a good sign.

**I'm rolling through country roads in the beating down rain (not the worse, but still a dominant presence). Next to the road standing under a tree for protection, was a horse and her baby (yes, I know it's called a colt). She looked a bit wide eyed, nuzzled baby to the other side putting herself between us. Must have been the thought if a human is on a bike in this weather, must not be good....

**Riding in the van with my husband, driving to catch up with Ken. Crank up that CD with Best of Queen: Bicycle, Bicycle. I want to ride my Bicycle, Bicycle .... (now you'll have that tune locked into your brains throughout the rest of this day. Great tune!!)

Enjoy your day. We hope to.


  1. Here's another great tune for your heads,
    "We Are The Champions".
    Those mommies and babies are a good sign -
    Have a wonderful rest of the day. I soooo am enjoying reading about your adventures and we are in awe.
    Take good care of each other. Patty

  2. Cindy, would you tell us were you started the day and were you finished, I would like to follow along with you 3 on the map, thanks things here in Hood River are good.

  3. It's the unexpected events that make a journey an adventure


  4. What great experiences!! I hope you are getting lots of pictures!! You know if you drive, yes drive about 30 minutes from where I live you can see tons of deer, elk, wild horses and all sorts of wildlife without even having to put on a helmet?! Just a thought....trying to be helpful=)
    Love you!! Isis-Joy
